Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Day Nineteen - Two in One.

This is most likely going to be a brief post, because I'm absolutely exhausted.

I left my motel in Hazard in good time, and went to try and find somewhere to eat. I got on my way just before 9, on my way to Booneville, about 45 miles away. The ride to here was pretty easy, it was a bit up and down, but nothing too phasing.

It was on this stretch that I met my first East-Bounder. He had come from South California, and left on April 4th. This means that he'd been on the road for about a month and a half up until that point, so I can half-predict that it shouldn't take me any longer than that for me to get to Calofornia.

I got to Booneville at around 1pm, and bought lunch from a service station. I was feeling good at this point, and it seemed a bit of a waste of time to sit around waiting until tomorrow, especially seeing as there wasn't much at all there. So, against peoples advice, I ploughed onwards to Berea. It was about 50 miles away, which I was fairly sure was reachable without too much trouble.

Well, I did make it, eventually, but I'm absolutely shattered. A combination of being in the sun all day, dehydration and overall fatigue made the last 20 or 30 miles a struggle. The land fluctuated a lot more than the map let on too, which didn't help. 106 miles was too far to go in one day I've decided, though I'm glad now I'm here in Berea, there are far more restaurants and stuff.

The dog situation was awful today. Not a lot to say really, but I must have got chased on no less than 20-30 times today. The whole thing is such a pain. Some of them can really shift too, one particularly large one chased me for half a mile at 25mph... I do have spray, but my first reaction is to get away rather than fight it, so I've not used it yet.. I hope that the situation gets better the further west of the state I go.

I went round the corner to another Oriental buffet, which coincedentally I had the last time I finished a map. Where I'm staying at the moment is like a service city, on the junction of an Interstate. I'm planning on having a rest day tomorrow, so perhaps Ill have a look around downtown after I do all my washing and stuff. Also, Ill reply to all my emails tomorrow, I'm too tired to do all that now.

Until next time...


Andy Strang said...

Hey Greg! Keep your chin up - Virginia and Kentucky is the worst part of the trip. Once you get to the end of Kentucky you will have your touring legs and find the days are a lot easier. This combined with the easing of the hills/mountains (apart from a couple of annoying days in the Ozarks) means that it is all fun from the Illinois border onwards!

Greg said...

That's good to know, these dogs are driving me insane!

I hope the pace will increase now I'm pretty much on flat land. The scale on my next map for the inclines is only 1000ft from the top to the bottom, compared to 5000ft on the last one.

Andy Strang said...

The dogs pretty much stop at the Kentucky border with a couple of mutts in the Ozarks but I only had one serious chase after I crossed into Illinois. Seriously all good fun from here and you can laugh at the poor buggers coming the other way who have to do Applachia!