Saturday, 2 May 2009

First Day'n'Nite

I find myself writing this at 22:10 EST, which is 03:10 BST. I am EXHAUSTED. We took off to go to Newport News about 25 minutes ago, on a tiny little Canadair jet. I'm in row 14 of 14, with a jet engine in my left ear. Making general small talk to my fellow passengers around me - they love my accent, I love theirs, conversation goes along those lines.

Leaving this morning was harder than I thought. It really hit home when I went through passport control on my own. I kept thinking what the person who cut my hair said to me yesterday: "what doesnt kill you will make you stronger". I'm finding a lot of truth in that.

Flight to Atlanta was okay, 9 and a half hours of flyingplus an hour of taxiing in total (no exageration). Spoke to a guy who was flying to Colerado to be a rafting instructor for 6 months, having just spent the last 6 leading dives in Thailand. What a life... So I watched A whole host of films, including Quantum of Solace in Spanish - I didn't realise you could change / I had changed the language on my remote thing.. ah well.

After disembarking I spent an hour at immigration queuing. A flight just got in from Honduras before us, and they took AGES. I finally got through, and found my bag on the carousel. Fine. Went round to the oversize. bag collection, bike was nowhere to be seen. 45 minutes of panicing later, and I was assured by a guy at the airport that it would be sent to me tomorrow. This has put me a day behind already, but I've just got to stay optimistic about it, and hope for the best.. The guy who checked my boarding pass said that it might be on this plane, and I should wait for it just in case. As it stands, I don't know. I was really up for an alcoholic beverage earlier, found the perfect bar too, but of course, I'm not old enough. guh..

Hope all is well at home. :)

::Edit:: this didn't upload last night, got it working now.

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