Friday, 8 May 2009

Day Eight - Settling into a Routine.

I woke up several times last night, due to trains going through town. The train itself I could bare, but it honks it's horn the whole way through so that people don't drive over the tracks when it's coming. I didn't like Ashland that much anyway. I officially woke up at 7:15, showered, and got all my stuff together by 8:30 or so. I was watching the weather this morning, apparently the chance of rain = 50% for tonight. The weather has been anything but overcast today, so I'm going to take my chances and camp tonight.

Not a lot to report as far as cycling is concerned today, and although my route was hillier than my map would have you believe, I reached Mineral, my stop over at about 2pm. The weather was really hot today (pushing 30 degrees C). Actually, I tell a lie. I encountered a group of about 8-12 (they were fairly spread out), who are also cycling the trans-am, though are finishing in Oregon. They are staying at a private property tonight, and I am going faster than they are, so I left them behind.

I seem to have got into the routine of feeling a bit homesick in the morning, and feeling really motevated in the afternoon. I'm sure / I hope that will get better as time goes on.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Charlottesville, which is another short day away. I'd like to go on further, but there is a massive hill / mountain (over 3000ft, what does that make it..?) right after it, and I want to set off first thing in the morning to tackle that.

It's now 3:30pm and I've spent the last hour and a half in this library updating this, checking emails, etc. I am very disappointed to report that facebook is blocked in this library, so updating all that will have to wait. Tonight, I will either go to the Mineral Restaurant (which looks quite run down, but looks can decieve), or I think I saw a takeaway place somewhere here too. I'm camping outsde a volunteer fire service, a dutch cyclist I spoke to earlier said they have showers, but when I went over there they didn't offer them to me. When I go back, I'll see if he's there.

That's all for now folks, I'll hopefully be able to update tomorrow, Charlottesville is fairly large.


Zac Parton said...

Hey greg,
Great to hear you're on your way, and that things are working out for you. Don't envy your 1000m climb tomorrow - should be a magnificent view from the top, though! (Not to mention great fun on the way down!)
Keep on keeping on, dude.

Andy said...

Mineral is a cool place but I bet you got the train noises all night!
Good luck with the've got the starter hills all the way to Charlottesville and then climb climb climb!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things have picked up and are going well now. Keep topping up the carbs and the fluids - Baz thinks you need some more fruit as well. G n B