Thursday 21 May 2009

Day Twenty - Day Off.

Today was spent doing very little, which I definitey needed to do.

I had a nice continental breakfast in bed (though I had to go and fetch it myself, but no big deal), and went for a walk around Berea. There isn't an awful lot in here besides a historic College, and about every fast food place going about 1 mile out of town, where I am. Oh, and a Walmart.

I enjoyed another Chinese buffet this evening, and I'm now watching an NBA playoff game (Orlando Magic vs. Cleveland Caveliers in case you're interested), which makes me want to go see an NBA game live. It looks so fun!

Tomorrow I'm either headed for Harrodsburg (45 miles away), or Bardstown (about 90 miles away). I'll have to see how it goes before I decide, 90 miles seems like a really long way right now..

I also go round a town called Springfield tomorrow, but in order to stay there I'd have to go a fair bit off my route to get to it. It's midway between Harrodsburg and Bardstown though, so it's possible. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why are you in such a hurry dude? Slow down and enjoy the scenery, and take some side-roads and swim in streams etc. Take time to smell the roses, if you will.