Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Day Thirty-Nine - Halfway.

Today marks the halfway mark in my trip, I passed the 1892 mile mark.

I wound my alarm back to 6:25 this morning, meaning I was on the road at 8:10. I think it was just coiciedence that this was 10 minutes before I left yesterday.

Overnight, a thunderstorm had gone through, resulting in the wind switching from south to north. It wasn't THAT bad for the first 18 miles west, but the following 17 straight into the wind was killer. I met two more cyclists right before I started this leg, Anne-Marie and John I think their names were. I chatted to them for a bit, and found out that they had just graduated from 'college', and were cycling from St. Louis to Seatle.

I left them in my wake and headed off into the wind. After 17 long miles, I arrived in Cassoday. I stopped at a service station where I planned to get a snack and a drink. Instead I opted for the three course all you can eat buffet, of which the main course was... pizza. For $7 I couldn't really complain, and got a good helping of salad.

Just as I was thinking of leaving, the two cyclists I'd met earlier came in and sat down with me. It'd have been rude to leave straight away, so I sat with them for a bit before I went. The next leg of the day was a 38 mile slog, with nothing in between. I didn't mind that too much, the fact that you just have to keep going forwards and there wasn't a lot around stopped me from getting distracted and stopping. The wind had died down considerably too which helped.

So now I'm in a town called Newton. Tomorrow, I'm planning on going only about 30 something miles to Hutchinson, where I'm going to replace my bike lock and stay in my first Church Hostel of the trip. The day after that I've got a 58 mile stretch with very little, so I'll have to stock up on supplies.


Anonymous said...

half way hey, legendary stuff!

Food seems to feature quite highly on your blog, could you be the first person to cross america by bike and put on weight?

How about some pictures here?

Keep on peddalling!


Greg said...

Haha, thinking about where my next meal is coming from is huge motivation at times. There's no danger of me coming back overweight, my diet of fast food has put me in the best shape I've been in in a long time!

I will try and get photos up, I'll have to go to a library some time and try and do it all. It's on my to-do list.